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Represents a single decision table node in the graph, each table can contain multiple rows. Each row respresents a rule that get executed. The hitPolicy determines how the rule is executed. When the hitPolicy is set to 'first', the first matching row is used. When the hitPolicy is set to 'collect', all matching rows are used.

type BusinessRuleDecisionTable implements IBusinessRuleNode {
type: BusinessRuleNodeType!
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
content: BusinessRuleDecisionTableContent!


BusinessRuleDecisionTable.type ● BusinessRuleNodeType! non-null enum

The type of the node. ● ID! non-null scalar

The generated ID for this node ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the node

BusinessRuleDecisionTable.description ● String! non-null scalar

The description of the node

BusinessRuleDecisionTable.content ● BusinessRuleDecisionTableContent! non-null object

The node's table content in case the type is 'decisionTableNode'


IBusinessRuleNode interface

Interface for the BusinessRuleNodes Type, where different types of BusinessRuleNodes derive from

Returned By

businessRuleDecisionTable query ● businessRuleDecisionTableAddColumn mutation ● businessRuleDecisionTableAddRow mutation ● businessRuleDecisionTableDeleteColumn mutation ● businessRuleDecisionTableDeleteRow mutation ● businessRuleDecisionTableMoveRow mutation ● businessRuleDecisionTableSetCell mutation ● businessRuleDecisionTableUpdate mutation