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type BulkCostPrice implements IDiscount {
id: String!
createdAt: DateTime!
lastModifiedAt: DateTime!
value: Float!
quantityFrom: Int!
validFrom: DateTime
validTo: DateTime
priceId: String!

Fields ● String! non-null scalar

Primary identifier

BulkCostPrice.createdAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Creation date

BulkCostPrice.lastModifiedAt ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Last modified date

BulkCostPrice.value ● Float! non-null scalar

Discount on bulk purchases, expressed either as a percentage of the standard price or as a specific reduced price per unit, depending on the bulk price discount type

BulkCostPrice.quantityFrom ● Int! non-null scalar

Indicates the minimum quantity threshold needed to qualify for the bulk price.

BulkCostPrice.validFrom ● DateTime scalar

Start date from which the bulk pricing is effective. Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string

BulkCostPrice.validTo ● DateTime scalar

Start date from which the bulk pricing is effective. Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string

BulkCostPrice.priceId ● String! non-null scalar

price foreign identifier


IDiscount interface

Returned By

bulkCostPriceCreate mutation ● bulkCostPriceUpdate mutation

Member Of

BulkCostPriceResponse object