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type ClusterDrillDown implements IClusterDrillDown {
attributeId: String!
attribute: AttributeDescription!
priority: Int!
displayType: ClusterDrillDownDisplayTypes!


ClusterDrillDown.attributeId ● String! non-null scalar

The id of the Attribute to create the drilldown matrix for

ClusterDrillDown.attribute ● AttributeDescription! non-null object

ClusterDrillDown.priority ● Int! non-null scalar

The order in which the drilldown should be generated

ClusterDrillDown.displayType ● ClusterDrillDownDisplayTypes! non-null enum

Indicator how to display the current drilldown selection


IClusterDrillDown interface

The interface for the ClusterDrillDown type, this describes the a cluster's drill down cosfiguration.

Member Of

Cluster object ● ICluster interface