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type Bundle implements IBundle {
id: Float!
comboId: Float @deprecated
name: String!
description: String
discount: Float
condition: BundleCondition
price: BundlePrice
items: [BundleItem!]

Fields ● Float! non-null scalar

The bundles primary identifier

Bundle.comboId ● Float deprecated scalar


The comboId is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use the id field instead.

[DEPRECATED] The bundles identifier for Propeller internal use ● String! non-null scalar

The name for this bundle.

Bundle.description ● String scalar

The description for this bundle. ● Float scalar

The discount percentage this bundle.

Bundle.condition ● BundleCondition enum

The discount condition for this bundle. Discount can be applied for Extra Products (EP) or All Products (ALL).

Bundle.price ● BundlePrice object

The bundle prices.

Bundle.items ● [BundleItem!] list object

Items for this bundle.


IBundle interface

Returned By

bundle query ● bundleCreate mutation ● bundles query ● bundleUpdate mutation

Member Of

CartMainItem object ● Product object