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type SparePartsResponse {
items: [SparePart!]!
itemsFound: Int!
offset: Int!
page: Int!
pages: Int!
start: Int!
end: Int!
minPrice: Int!
maxPrice: Int!
availableAttributes: [AttributeFilter!] @deprecated
filters: [AttributeFilter!]


SparePartsResponse.items ● [SparePart!]! non-null object

List of items of type SpareParts

SparePartsResponse.itemsFound ● Int! non-null scalar

Total number of items found

SparePartsResponse.offset ● Int! non-null scalar

The amount of items to show per page ● Int! non-null scalar

The current page

SparePartsResponse.pages ● Int! non-null scalar

Total amount of pages

SparePartsResponse.start ● Int! non-null scalar

Start position of the current page

SparePartsResponse.end ● Int! non-null scalar

End position of the current page

SparePartsResponse.minPrice ● Int! non-null scalar

The lowest price of a product in this productlist

SparePartsResponse.maxPrice ● Int! non-null scalar

The highest price of a product in this productlist

SparePartsResponse.availableAttributes ● [AttributeFilter!] deprecated list object


Deprecated in favor of filters

SparePartsResponse.filters ● [AttributeFilter!] list object

Member Of

SparePartsMachine object