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type Attribute {
id: Int!
name: String!
searchId: String!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
type: AttributeType!
typeParam: String!
group: String!
isSearchable: Boolean!
isPublic: Boolean!
isHidden: Boolean
language: String
): [LocalizedStringArray!]
enumValue: [String!]
intValue: [Int!]
decimalValue: [Float!]
dateValue: DateTime

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

The Name or Id of the Attribute as it's defined in the Datebase ● String! non-null scalar

The Name or Id of the Attribute as it's defined in the Datebase

Attribute.searchId ● String! non-null scalar

Lowercased representation of the id with an attr_ prefix that can be used in query parameters. The attr_ prefix is to avoid potential naming conflict with regular product fields

Attribute.description ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

The human readable description of the attribute's name. This is a language specific value.

Attribute.description.language ● String scalar

Attribute.type ● AttributeType! non-null enum

The type of the attribute. Possible values:

  • text
  • list
  • enum
  • enumlist
  • color
  • date
  • datetime
  • object
  • integer
  • decimal

Attribute.typeParam ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the connected valueset to use when type is enum or enumlist ● String! non-null scalar

The group this attribute belongs to.

Attribute.isSearchable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating catalog page filters.

Attribute.isPublic ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating product specs.

Attribute.isHidden ● Boolean scalar

Flags whether this attribute us hidden and should only be used for background operations.

Attribute.textValue ● [LocalizedStringArray!] list object

Textual value(s) for this attribute, filled when attribute type equals text, list or color. This value suitable for Localization.

Attribute.textValue.language ● String scalar

Attribute.enumValue ● [String!] list scalar

Enumeration value for this attribute, filled when type equals enum or enumlist. Values returned from this field should be transformed used by the valueset from the datasource field. Values in this field can be multivalue.

Attribute.intValue ● [Int!] list scalar

Integer value for this attribute, filled when attribute type equals numeric or object.

Attribute.decimalValue ● [Float!] list scalar

Decimal value for this attribute, filled when attribute type equals decimal.

Attribute.dateValue ● DateTime scalar

Date value for this attribute, filled when attribute type equals date or datetime

Returned By

productAttributes query ● userAttributes query

Member Of

Contact object ● Customer object ● Product object ● User object