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type Shop {
shopId: Int!
name: String!
purchaseRootId: Int
userRootId: Int
enableIncentives: Boolean!
priceCalculationConfig: ShopPriceCalculationConfig!
debtorId: String
cocNumber: String
taxNumber: String


Shop.shopId ● Int! non-null scalar ● String! non-null scalar

Shop.purchaseRootId ● Int scalar

Shop purchase root id

Shop.userRootId ● Int scalar

Shop customer root id

Shop.enableIncentives ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Shop.priceCalculationConfig ● ShopPriceCalculationConfig! non-null object

Shop price calculation configuration

Shop.debtorId ● String scalar

Shop.cocNumber ● String scalar

Shop.taxNumber ● String scalar

Returned By

shop query ● shops query

Member Of

Channel object