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type Tender {
tenderId: String!
orderId: Int
type: TenderOrderType!
siteId: Int @deprecated
channelId: Int
shopId: Int!
date: DateTime!
userId: Int!
invoiceUserId: Int
status: String!
firstName: String!
middleName: String!
lastName: String!
email: String!
debtorId: String!
invoiceAddress: TenderAddress
deliveryAddress: TenderAddress
itemCount: Int
items: [TenderMainItem!]
paymentData: TenderPayment
postageData: TenderPostage
total: TenderTotal
carriers: [TenderCarrier!]
payMethods: [TenderPaymethod!]
source: String
valuePoints: Int
incentivesApplied: Boolean
creditPoints: Int
couponCode: String
actionCode: String
reference: String
remarks: String
externalId: String
extra3: String
extra4: String
isEditable: Boolean!
user: IBaseUser!


Tender.tenderId ● String! non-null scalar

The tender's primary identifier

Tender.orderId ● Int scalar

Tender's associated order ID

Tender.type ● TenderOrderType! non-null enum

Order type

Tender.siteId ● Int deprecated scalar


Deprecated in favor of channelId

The site id the tender/order is created from

Tender.channelId ● Int scalar

The channel id the tender/order is created from

Tender.shopId ● Int! non-null scalar

The shop the tender/order belongs to ● DateTime! non-null scalar

The date this tender/order has been created

Tender.userId ● Int! non-null scalar

The ID of the user applied to this tender

Tender.invoiceUserId ● Int scalar

The invoice userId for this tender

Tender.status ● String! non-null scalar

Tender/order status

Tender.firstName ● String! non-null scalar

User's first name

Tender.middleName ● String! non-null scalar

User's middle name

Tender.lastName ● String! non-null scalar

User's last name ● String! non-null scalar

User's email

Tender.debtorId ● String! non-null scalar

Invoice company debtor ID

Tender.invoiceAddress ● TenderAddress object

The address the invoice for the order should be sent to

Tender.deliveryAddress ● TenderAddress object

The address the order should be shipped to

Tender.itemCount ● Int scalar

Tender/order main item count

Tender.items ● [TenderMainItem!] list object

The tender/order items

Tender.paymentData ● TenderPayment object

Payment data for this tender/order

Tender.postageData ● TenderPostage object

Postage data for this tender/order ● TenderTotal object

Tender total

Tender.carriers ● [TenderCarrier!] list object

List of selectable carriers

Tender.payMethods ● [TenderPaymethod!] list object

List of selectable payment methods for this tender, including non allowed for the applied user

Tender.source ● String scalar

Tender/order origin

Tender.valuePoints ● Int scalar

Total amount of valuePoints that apply to this tender/order

Tender.incentivesApplied ● Boolean scalar

Indicates whether incentives are already applied

Tender.creditPoints ● Int scalar

Tender/order accumulated credit points

Tender.couponCode ● String scalar

Coupon code that is applied to this tender. Is only filled if a valid coupon code was applied during checkout

Tender.actionCode ● String scalar

Action code that is applied to this tender. Is only filled if a valid action code was applied during checkout

Tender.reference ● String scalar

User's reference for this tender

Tender.remarks ● String scalar

User's remarks for this tender

Tender.externalId ● String scalar

The order's ID in an external system

Tender.extra3 ● String scalar

Additional information field that can be stored with a tender/order

Tender.extra4 ● String scalar

Additional information field that can be stored with a tender/order

Tender.isEditable ● Boolean! non-null scalar

Indicates whether tender can be edited

Tender.user ● IBaseUser! non-null interface

Returned By

tender query ● tenderApplyIncentives mutation ● tenderDeleteItem mutation ● tenderStart mutation ● tenderUpdate mutation ● tenderUpdateAddress mutation ● tenderUpdateDiscount mutation ● tenderUpdateInvoiceUser mutation ● tenderUpdateItem mutation ● tenderUpdatePayment mutation ● tenderUpdatePostage mutation

Member Of

TenderResponse object