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type Cluster implements ICluster, IBaseProduct, IResource {
id: Int!
categoryId: Int!
clusterId: Int!
filter: AttributeFilterInput
): AttributeValueResponse!
category: Category!
categoryPath: [Category!]!
input: CrossupsellTypesInput
): [Crossupsell!]!
input: FavoriteListsSearchInput
): FavoriteListsResponse
input: OrderlistSearchInput
): OrderlistsResponse!
products: [Product!]
options: [ClusterOption!]
drillDown: [ClusterDrillDown!]
defaultProduct: Product
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
sku: String!
path: String @deprecated
defaultLanguage: String!
priority: Int
metadataTitle: [LocalizedString!]
metadataDescription: [LocalizedString!]
metadataKeywords: [LocalizedString!]
metadataCanonicalUrl: [LocalizedString!]
language: String
class: String!
classId: Int! @deprecated
isHidden: YesNo!

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

Resource primary identifier

Cluster.categoryId ● Int! non-null scalar

Cluster.clusterId ● Int! non-null scalar

The classID of this cluster

Cluster.attributeValues ● AttributeValueResponse! non-null object

Returns a paginated response of AttributeValues

Cluster.attributeValues.filter ● AttributeFilterInput input

Cluster.category ● Category! non-null object

Cluster.categoryPath ● [Category!]! non-null object

Cluster.crossupsells ● [Crossupsell!]! non-null object

Cluster.crossupsells.input ● CrossupsellTypesInput input

Cluster.favoriteLists ● FavoriteListsResponse object

Cluster.favoriteLists.input ● FavoriteListsSearchInput input

Cluster.orderlists ● OrderlistsResponse! non-null object

Cluster.orderlists.input ● OrderlistSearchInput input

Cluster.products ● [Product!] list object

Array of selectable main products for this cluster, when the array contains more than one. Only one can be added per cart/order item

Cluster.options ● [ClusterOption!] list object

The configuration options for this cluster

Cluster.drillDown ● [ClusterDrillDown!] list object

The drilldown configuration for this cluster

Cluster.defaultProduct ● Product object ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object ● String scalar

Cluster.description ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Cluster.description.language ● String scalar

Cluster.shortDescription ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Cluster.shortDescription.language ● String scalar

Cluster.slug ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Cluster.slug.language ● String scalar

Cluster.sku ● String! non-null scalar

The Stock keeping unit for this product.

Cluster.path ● String deprecated scalar


Path is no longer supported

The catalog path of this product. Contains a list of ID's of categories with a / as delimiter

Cluster.defaultLanguage ● String! non-null scalar

The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language.

Cluster.priority ● Int scalar

The order of the product in search results when sorting by priority.

Cluster.metadataTitle ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata title available in multiple languages

Cluster.metadataDescription ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata description available in multiple languages

Cluster.metadataKeywords ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata keywords available in multiple languages

Cluster.metadataCanonicalUrl ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata canonical url available in multiple languages

Cluster.language ● String scalar

The requested language for this this resource, default to the products default language. ISO 639-1 format.

Cluster.class ● String! non-null scalar

The class of the request resource

Cluster.classId ● Int! deprecated non-null scalar


Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId

The class ID of the request resource

Cluster.isHidden ● YesNo! non-null enum

The hidden status of this resource.


ICluster interface

The interface for the Cluster type

IBaseProduct interface

Interface for the BaseProduct Type, where both Products and clusters derive from

IResource interface

Returned By

cluster query

Member Of

Product object