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The interface for the Cluster type

interface ICluster {
id: Int!
language: String
class: String!
classId: Int! @deprecated
isHidden: YesNo!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
sku: String!
categoryId: Int!
path: String @deprecated
defaultLanguage: String!
priority: Int
metadataTitle: [LocalizedString!]
metadataDescription: [LocalizedString!]
metadataKeywords: [LocalizedString!]
metadataCanonicalUrl: [LocalizedString!]
clusterId: Int!
products: [Product!]
options: [ClusterOption!]
drillDown: [ClusterDrillDown!]
defaultProduct: Product

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

Resource primary identifier

ICluster.language ● String scalar

The requested language for this this resource, default to the products default language. ISO 639-1 format.

ICluster.class ● String! non-null scalar

The class of the request resource

ICluster.classId ● Int! deprecated non-null scalar


Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId

The class ID of the request resource

ICluster.isHidden ● YesNo! non-null enum

The hidden status of this resource. ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Localized product name as it is available in the supported language defaults to the product's default language. ● String scalar

ICluster.description ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

The long description for this product, this field can contain html formatting, this field can be translated is case of multilingual catalog

ICluster.description.language ● String scalar

ICluster.shortDescription ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

The short description for this product, this field can contain html formatting, this field can be translated is case of multilingual catalog

ICluster.shortDescription.language ● String scalar

ICluster.slug ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Slugified version of the product name, that can be used in urls. A slug is available per language.

ICluster.slug.language ● String scalar

ICluster.sku ● String! non-null scalar

The Stock keeping unit for this product.

ICluster.categoryId ● Int! non-null scalar

ICluster.path ● String deprecated scalar


Path is no longer supported

The catalog path of this product. Contains a list of ID's of categories with a / as delimiter

ICluster.defaultLanguage ● String! non-null scalar

The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language.

ICluster.priority ● Int scalar

The order of the product in search results when sorting by priority.

ICluster.metadataTitle ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata title available in multiple languages

ICluster.metadataDescription ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata description available in multiple languages

ICluster.metadataKeywords ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata keywords available in multiple languages

ICluster.metadataCanonicalUrl ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata canonical url available in multiple languages

ICluster.clusterId ● Int! non-null scalar

The classID of this cluster

ICluster.products ● [Product!] list object

Array of selectable main products for this cluster, when the array contains more than one. Only one can be added per cart/order item

ICluster.options ● [ClusterOption!] list object

The configuration options for this cluster

ICluster.drillDown ● [ClusterDrillDown!] list object

The drilldown configuration for this cluster

ICluster.defaultProduct ● Product object

The default product that should be selected for this option

Implemented By

Cluster object