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Interface for the Product Type

interface IProduct {
id: Int!
language: String
class: String!
classId: Int! @deprecated
isHidden: YesNo!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
language: String
): [LocalizedString!]!
sku: String!
categoryId: Int!
path: String @deprecated
defaultLanguage: String!
priority: Int
metadataTitle: [LocalizedString!]
metadataDescription: [LocalizedString!]
metadataKeywords: [LocalizedString!]
metadataCanonicalUrl: [LocalizedString!]
productId: Int!
shortName: String!
manufacturerCode: String!
eanCode: String!
manufacturer: String!
supplier: String!
supplierCode: String!
tag: String!
taxCode: TaxCode!
status: ProductStatus!
isOrderable: YesNo!
isReturnable: YesNo!
hasBundle: YesNo!
isBundleLeader: YesNo!
package: String!
packageUnit: String!
packageUnitQuantity: String!
priceDisplay: String!
originalPrice: Float!
costPrice: Float!
suggestedPrice: Float!
storePrice: Float!
creditPoints: Float!
minimumQuantity: Float!
unit: Int!
purchaseUnit: Int!
purchaseMinimumQuantity: Int!
econommicOrderQuantity: Int!
orderableFrom: DateTime
orderableTo: DateTime
releaseDate: DateTime
dateCreated: DateTime!
dateChanged: DateTime!
offers: [ProductOffer!]
containerClass: String!

Fields ● Int! non-null scalar

Resource primary identifier

IProduct.language ● String scalar

The requested language for this this resource, default to the products default language. ISO 639-1 format.

IProduct.class ● String! non-null scalar

The class of the request resource

IProduct.classId ● Int! deprecated non-null scalar


Deprecated in favor of productId and clusterId

The class ID of the request resource

IProduct.isHidden ● YesNo! non-null enum

The hidden status of this resource. ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Localized product name as it is available in the supported language defaults to the product's default language. ● String scalar

IProduct.description ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

The long description for this product, this field can contain html formatting, this field can be translated is case of multilingual catalog

IProduct.description.language ● String scalar

IProduct.shortDescription ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

The short description for this product, this field can contain html formatting, this field can be translated is case of multilingual catalog

IProduct.shortDescription.language ● String scalar

IProduct.slug ● [LocalizedString!]! non-null object

Slugified version of the product name, that can be used in urls. A slug is available per language.

IProduct.slug.language ● String scalar

IProduct.sku ● String! non-null scalar

The Stock keeping unit for this product.

IProduct.categoryId ● Int! non-null scalar

IProduct.path ● String deprecated scalar


Path is no longer supported

The catalog path of this product. Contains a list of ID's of categories with a / as delimiter

IProduct.defaultLanguage ● String! non-null scalar

The default language for this product or cluster, this is the language to fall back too, when there is no translation avaialbe in a specific language.

IProduct.priority ● Int scalar

The order of the product in search results when sorting by priority.

IProduct.metadataTitle ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata title available in multiple languages

IProduct.metadataDescription ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata description available in multiple languages

IProduct.metadataKeywords ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata keywords available in multiple languages

IProduct.metadataCanonicalUrl ● [LocalizedString!] list object

[SEO] Localized Metadata canonical url available in multiple languages

IProduct.productId ● Int! non-null scalar

This product's classID

IProduct.shortName ● String! non-null scalar

The short name product. Commonly used for connections with third parties that have a size limitation on the product name field.

IProduct.manufacturerCode ● String! non-null scalar

The Original Equipment Manufacturer code for this product.

IProduct.eanCode ● String! non-null scalar

The European Article Number or barcode for this product.

IProduct.manufacturer ● String! non-null scalar

The manufacturer name for this product.

IProduct.supplier ● String! non-null scalar

The supplier of this product.

IProduct.supplierCode ● String! non-null scalar

The supplierCode as it's know at the given supplier of this product.

IProduct.tag ● String! non-null scalar

The tag of this product.

IProduct.taxCode ● TaxCode! non-null enum

The tax code for this product, either: H = High L = Low N = No tax

IProduct.status ● ProductStatus! non-null enum

The status of this product:

IProduct.isOrderable ● YesNo! non-null enum

The orderable status of this product.

IProduct.isReturnable ● YesNo! non-null enum

The returnable status of this product.

IProduct.hasBundle ● YesNo! non-null enum

Is this product part of any product bundles.

IProduct.isBundleLeader ● YesNo! non-null enum

Is this product leader of any product bundle.

IProduct.package ● String! non-null scalar

The default package type for this product.

IProduct.packageUnit ● String! non-null scalar

The default package unit for this product.

IProduct.packageUnitQuantity ● String! non-null scalar

The default package unit quantity for this product.

IProduct.priceDisplay ● String! non-null scalar

Indicates how a product should be shown

IProduct.originalPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

Original price of the product

IProduct.costPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

Product cost price

IProduct.suggestedPrice ● Float! non-null scalar

Product suggested price

IProduct.storePrice ● Float! non-null scalar

Product store price

IProduct.creditPoints ● Float! non-null scalar

Product credit points

IProduct.minimumQuantity ● Float! non-null scalar

Product minimum quantity

IProduct.unit ● Int! non-null scalar

Product unit

IProduct.purchaseUnit ● Int! non-null scalar

Product purchase unit

IProduct.purchaseMinimumQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

Product minimum purchasable quantity

IProduct.econommicOrderQuantity ● Int! non-null scalar

Product minimal economic order quantity

IProduct.orderableFrom ● DateTime scalar

Product orderable from date

IProduct.orderableTo ● DateTime scalar

Product orderable to date

IProduct.releaseDate ● DateTime scalar

Product release date

IProduct.dateCreated ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Product creation date

IProduct.dateChanged ● DateTime! non-null scalar

Product last modified date

IProduct.offers ● [ProductOffer!] list object

Available offers for this product and User. First item in the array should be regarded as the active price

IProduct.containerClass ● String! non-null scalar

The class of the product's container, can be either folder or cluster

Implemented By

Product object