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type Company {
companyId: Int!
type: AddressType
isDefault: YesNo
): [Address!]!
input: FavoriteListsBaseSearchInput
): FavoriteListsResponse
orderlist: Orderlist
id: Int! @deprecated
name: String!
taxNumber: String
cocNumber: String
notes: String
hidden: YesNo
inheritProductList: YesNo
path: String
slug: String
tag: String
dateCreated: DateTime
lastModifiedDate: DateTime
parentUsergroupId: Int!
usergroup: Usergroup
input: ContactSearchArguments = [object Object]
): ContactsResponse
managers: [IBaseUser!]
usergroupPath: [Usergroup!]!


Company.companyId ● Int! non-null scalar

The id of the company.

Company.addresses ● [Address!]! non-null object

Company.addresses.type ● AddressType enum
Company.addresses.isDefault ● YesNo enum

Company.favoriteLists ● FavoriteListsResponse object

Company.favoriteLists.input ● FavoriteListsBaseSearchInput input

Company.orderlist ● Orderlist object ● Int! deprecated non-null scalar


This property is no longer relevant or necessary, use companyId instead.

The unique identifier of the company. ● String! non-null scalar

The name of the company.

Company.taxNumber ● String scalar

The tax number of the company.

Company.cocNumber ● String scalar

The coc number of the company.

Company.notes ● String scalar

Notes of the company.

Company.hidden ● YesNo enum

Shows whether this company is hidden and should only be used for background operations.

Company.inheritProductList ● YesNo enum

Company.path ● String scalar

The path in id's to the root of the inheritance tree.

Company.slug ● String scalar

The slug of the company.

Company.tag ● String scalar

The tag of the company.

Company.dateCreated ● DateTime scalar

Company.lastModifiedDate ● DateTime scalar

Company.parentUsergroupId ● Int! non-null scalar

Company.usergroup ● Usergroup object

Parent usergroup of the company.

Company.contacts ● ContactsResponse object

Children contacts of the company.

Company.contacts.input ● ContactSearchArguments input

Company.managers ● [IBaseUser!] list interface

Users/ contacts which are account managers of the company.

Company.usergroupPath ● [Usergroup!]! non-null object

Returned By

company query ● companyCreate mutation ● companyUpdate mutation

Member Of

CompaniesResponse object ● Contact object ● Orderlist object ● User object