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Order statuses

The order status service manages the flow of statuses that an order goes through starting at requesting a quotation through to fulfillment and archival.

This service ensures that the flow can be customized to the setup of the webshop.

There are order statuses and order status sets - the sets are mapped to the tabs in the backoffice UI to group similar statuses together.

Order statuses

Additionally, each status has a number of settings that refer to the orders with the status:

  • Default - Default statuses are provided by Propeller and cannot be modified

  • Public - Orders that are not public cannot be viewed by the associated customer. This is typically used for draft orders that have not yet been finalized.

  • Editable - This denotes if the order can be modified.

  • Deletable - This denotes if the order can be deleted. Non-deletable orders are usually required for financial record-keeping purposes.

  • Exportable - Typically exportable orders are set to allow an integration (e.g. with an ERP) to only pick up relevant orders.

  • Confirmable - The confirmation process for an order normally occurs before the order is sent out for fulfillment, so only placed (and paid) orders are typically set to confirmable.

  • Archivable - Archivable orders are removed from the active screens whilst not being removed from the database. It’s normal to only allow fully completed and fulfilled orders to be archived.