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input RegisterContactInput {
firstName: String
middleName: String
lastName: String
gender: Gender
email: String
homepage: String
phone: String
mobile: String
dateOfBirth: String
mailingList: YesNo
parentId: Int
primaryLanguage: String
attributes: [UserManagementAttributeValueInput!]
password: String


RegisterContactInput.firstName ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.middleName ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.lastName ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.gender ● Gender enum ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.homepage ● String scalar ● String scalar ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.dateOfBirth ● String scalar

RegisterContactInput.mailingList ● YesNo enum

RegisterContactInput.parentId ● Int scalar

The id of the company the contact should be created in.

RegisterContactInput.primaryLanguage ● String scalar

The primary language of the contact.

RegisterContactInput.attributes ● [UserManagementAttributeValueInput!] list input

Contacts's custom attribute values. This field is used to set value on attributes for the selected contact. Attributes that are used here (selected by name) must already be defined in Propeller.

RegisterContactInput.password ● String scalar

Optionally create a prefilled password. When omitted the contact can set a new password using password reset(link)

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