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input MediaAttachmentInput {
sparePartsMachineId: ID
alt: [MediaLocalizedStringInput!]!
description: [MediaLocalizedStringInput!]!
tags: [MediaLocalizedStringArrayInput!]!
priority: Int
uploadAttachments: [UploadFileInput!]!
orderId: Int
companyId: Int
customerId: Int


MediaAttachmentInput.sparePartsMachineId ● ID scalar

Unique machine identifier that the media item relates to

MediaAttachmentInput.alt ● [MediaLocalizedStringInput!]! non-null input

Media item alt description that briefly explains its contents.

MediaAttachmentInput.description ● [MediaLocalizedStringInput!]! non-null input

Media item short description.

MediaAttachmentInput.tags ● [MediaLocalizedStringArrayInput!]! non-null input

Media item tags.

MediaAttachmentInput.priority ● Int scalar

Media item display priority [Lower value has higher priority] - default: 1000

MediaAttachmentInput.uploadAttachments ● [UploadFileInput!]! non-null input

Upload File input reference

MediaAttachmentInput.orderId ● Int scalar

Unique order identifier that the attachment relates to. [Cannot use it together with sparePartsMachineId]

MediaAttachmentInput.companyId ● Int scalar

Unique company identifier that the attachment relates to. [Cannot use it together with customerId]

MediaAttachmentInput.customerId ● Int scalar

Unique customer identifier that the attachment relates to. [Cannot use it together with companyId]

Member Of

mediaAttachmentCreate mutation