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input CreateProductInput {
language: String!
categoryId: Int
name: [LocalizedStringInput!]
description: [LocalizedStringInput!]
shortDescription: [LocalizedStringInput!]
sku: String
status: ProductStatus
supplier: String
supplierCode: String
manufacturerCode: String
eanCode: String
taxCode: TaxCode
originalPrice: Float
unit: Int
minimumQuantity: Int
manufacturer: String
costPrice: Float
suggestedPrice: Float
package: String
shortName: String
packageDescription: [LocalizedStringInput!]
notes: [LocalizedStringInput!]
priority: Int
metadataTitle: [LocalizedStringInput!]
metadataDescription: [LocalizedStringInput!]
metadataKeywords: [LocalizedStringInput!]
metadataCanonicalUrl: [LocalizedStringInput!]


CreateProductInput.language ● String! non-null scalar

The language of the product.

CreateProductInput.categoryId ● Int scalar

The id of the category the product should be created in. ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

The names of the product and it's translations in different languages.

CreateProductInput.description ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

The descriptions of the product and it's translations in different languages.

CreateProductInput.shortDescription ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

The short descriptions of the product and it's translations in different languages.

CreateProductInput.sku ● String scalar

The sku of the product.

CreateProductInput.status ● ProductStatus enum

The status of the product.

CreateProductInput.supplier ● String scalar

The supplier of the product.

CreateProductInput.supplierCode ● String scalar

The supplier code of the product.

CreateProductInput.manufacturerCode ● String scalar

The manugacturer (OEM) code of the product.

CreateProductInput.eanCode ● String scalar

The EAN code of the product.

CreateProductInput.taxCode ● TaxCode enum

The tax code of the product. Defaults to H.

CreateProductInput.originalPrice ● Float scalar

Original price of the product

CreateProductInput.unit ● Int scalar

Product unit. Defaults to 1.

CreateProductInput.minimumQuantity ● Int scalar

Product minimum quantity. Defaults to 1.

CreateProductInput.manufacturer ● String scalar

The manufacturer of the product.

CreateProductInput.costPrice ● Float scalar

Product cost price

CreateProductInput.suggestedPrice ● Float scalar

Product suggested price

CreateProductInput.package ● String scalar

The default package type for this product.

CreateProductInput.shortName ● String scalar

The short name product. Commonly used for connections with third parties that have a size limitation on the product name field.

CreateProductInput.packageDescription ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

The package type descriptions of the product and it's translations in different languages.

CreateProductInput.notes ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

Notes of the product and it's translations in different languages.

CreateProductInput.priority ● Int scalar

The order of the product in search results when sorting by priority.

CreateProductInput.metadataTitle ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

[SEO] Metadata title in different languages.

CreateProductInput.metadataDescription ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

[SEO] Metadata description in different languages.

CreateProductInput.metadataKeywords ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

[SEO] Metadata keywords in different languages.

CreateProductInput.metadataCanonicalUrl ● [LocalizedStringInput!] list input

[SEO] Metadata canonical urls in different languages.

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productCreate mutation