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input AttributeValueObjectSearchInput {
class: AttributeClass!
type: AttributeType!
name: String!
textValue: LocalizedStringArrayInput
enumValue: [String!]
intValue: Int
decimalValue: Float
isSearchable: Boolean
isPublic: Boolean
isHidden: Boolean


AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.class ● AttributeClass! non-null enum

Object class for which the search applies to.

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.type ● AttributeType! non-null enum

Attribute type. ● String! non-null scalar

Attribute name for which the search is applied for.

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.textValue ● LocalizedStringArrayInput input

Textual value(s) for the attribute, required when attribute type equals text, list or color. This value is suitable for Localization.

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.enumValue ● [String!] list scalar

Enumeration value for the attribute, required when type equals enum or enumlist. Values in this field can be multivalue.

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.intValue ● Int scalar

Integer value for the attribute, required when attribute type equals numeric or object.

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.decimalValue ● Float scalar

Decimal value for the attribute, required when attribute type equals decimal.

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.isSearchable ● Boolean scalar

Only search attributes that are either searchable or not searchable. Ommmit this argument to ignore this field

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.isPublic ● Boolean scalar

Only search attributes that are either public or not public. Ommmit this argument to ignore this field

AttributeValueObjectSearchInput.isHidden ● Boolean scalar

Only search attributes that are either hidden or not hidden. Ommmit this argument to ignore this field

Member Of

attributeClassIdsByNameAndValue query