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No description

input AttributeDescriptionSearchInput {
isSearchable: Boolean
isPublic: Boolean
isHidden: Boolean
name: [String!]
type: [AttributeType!]
group: [String!]
page: Int!
offset: Int!
class: String!


AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.isSearchable ● Boolean scalar

Only show attributes that are either searchable or not searchable. Ommmit this argument to ignore this field

AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.isPublic ● Boolean scalar

Only show attributes that are either public or not public. Ommmit this argument to ignore this field

AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.isHidden ● Boolean scalar

Only show attributes that are either hidden or not hidden. Ommmit this argument to ignore this field ● [String!] list scalar

An array of attributes names you want to return.

AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.type ● [AttributeType!] list enum

An array of attributes types you want to return. ● [String!] list scalar

An array of attributes groups you want to return. ● Int! non-null scalar

AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.offset ● Int! non-null scalar

AttributeDescriptionSearchInput.class ● String! non-null scalar

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attributeDescription query