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Usergroups are used to group users or other usergroups together. This parent - child relationship i.e. tree organizational structure is very powerful because it allows inheriting settings, permissions, pricing, etc. A usergroup can even represent a company in a B2B environment, although this concept will soon be deprecated and a dedicated Companies resource will be introduced.

Usergroup Lookup keys

idintegerPropeller usergroup id
sourceIdstringExternal system unique id. sourceId should be combined with source

What are lookup keys?


nameUsergroup namestring
languageDefault system languagestring
ISO 639-1
parentParent usergroupJSON object that identifies the parent. id or sourceId in combination with source
inheritProductListIndicates whether pricing should be inherited from parent usergroupenum

Y = Yes
N = No
inheritOrderListIndicates whether the order list should be inherited from the parent usergroupenum

Y = Yes
N = No
budgetUsergroup budget settingsenum

Y = Users in usergroup use budget and may only order products within budget

H = Users in usergroup use budget and may also order products outside budget

N = Users in usergroup do not use budgets
budgetInheritIndicates whether budget settings should be inherited from parent usergroupenum

Y = Yes
N = No
orderListAllowAllOrder list settingsenum

N = Order everything within the order list
Y = Order everything outside the order list
A = Order everything, but products outside the order list must be authorized
U = Order everything
P = Order restricted products
sourceIdExternal system unique idstring
sourceExternal systemstring

Usergroup Errors

This section describes error codes specific for the Usergroup resource.

CodeError TypeStatus CodeMessageReason
20004UsergroupExists400Usergroup already existsUsergroup with such lookup key already exists
20005UsergroupMultipleFound400Multuple usergroups found. Please provide additional filtersMultiple usergroups with such lookup key exist
20006UsergroupNotFound404Usergroup does not existUsergroup with such lookup key not found
20007ParentUsergroupNotFound404Parent usergroup not foundParent usergroup with such lookup key not found. This error is typical when working with usergroup sub-resources (e.g. attributes, addresses)
90006AddressNotFound404Address does not existUsergroup address does not exist