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Propeller supports different types of resources, such as categories, products, usergroups, users, companies, etc. These resources can be linked to one another to cover different use cases, from enriching products with other similar products, accessories, etc. to indicating an account manager user of a company. These relationship types are predefined and are listed below. The Link API can be used to consult, create, update or delete a link between two resources.

TypeSubtypeFrom resourceTo resourceUse case
accessories***Typically used for products enrichment
accessoryfor***Typically used for products enrichment
related***Typically used for products enrichment
relatedfor***Typically used for products enrichment
alternatives***Typically used for products enrichment
options***Typically used for products enrichment
parts***Typically used for products enrichment
partfor***Typically used for products enrichment
accountmanageusercompanyUser which is an account manager of a company
accountmanagecontactcompanyContact which is an account manager of a company

*any can be used

idintegerPropeller link id, auto-generated

What are lookup keys?


typeLink typestring
subtypeLink subtypestring
isDefaultIndicates whether the to resource is the default one of the particular type/ subtype for the from resourceboolean
isActiveIndicates whether the link is active, same as non existing if notboolean
fromThe resource for which relationships are createdLinkResource
toThe resource to which relationships are createdLinkResource
priorityThe order/ priority of the link in relation to other links of the same type, subtype, from and to resourceint

A link resource is a JSON object used for identifying resources that need to be linked. It has two properties: to indicate the class of the resource (product, user, category, etc.) and it's id.

"class": "product",
"id": 56987

This section describes error codes specific for the Link resource.

CodeError TypeStatus CodeMessageReason
18001LinkInvalidClass400No links defined for classThe link type/ subtype combination is not valid for the from/ to class
18002LinkInvalidType400Invalid link type/ subtypeInvalid link type or subtype. No such link predefined
18003LinkNotFound404Link not foundLink does not exist