Inventory API gives you access to your warehouses and warehouse locations, so you can adjust inventory quantities and review inventory changes for products in your catalog. Inventory API allows you to update the local and supplier inventory of each product.
Can work with multiple warehouses, but also organize your warehouse and divide it to as many locations as you want to easily find the products.
Inventory allows you to track stock quantities per SKU and optionally per supplier and supplier product code. That's why there are two types of inventory: local and supplier.
Inventory can also be customer specific, i.e. reserved for a given company and/ or usergroup.
Inventory item fields
Name | Description | Required |
id (integer) | Propeller inventory record unique id. | yes |
productId (integer) | Propeller product unique id. | yes |
quantity (integer) | Available stock quantity. | yes |
costPrice (integer) | Product cost price. | no Default value is 0.00 |
supplier (string) | Supplier name. For local stock this value is always INTERN and for supplier stock by default this is the product supplier value, but also can create stock for a different suppliers | yes |
supplierCode (string) | Suppliers' unique identifier for the product | yes |
sku (string) | Product unique code | yes |
dateModified (date) | Date and time when the stock record is modified. | yes |
warehouseId (integer) | Warehouse unique id. If warehouseId is not specified, it's set to 0 by default. | yes |
companyId (integer) | Company specific (reserved) inventory. Quantity reserved for a given company | no Defaults to 0 |
usergroupId (integer) | Usergroup specific (reserved) inventory. Quantity reserved for a given usergroup. Will be deprecated in cloud | no Defaults to 0 |
location (string) | Racks and shelves in the warehouse can be named and keep track of product stock location name. | no |
nextDeliveryDate (date) | Expected date to receive new product stock | no |
notes (string) | Inventory record notes. | no |
Name | Description | Required |
id (integer) | Propeller inventory record unique id. | yes |
Name | Description | Required |
inventoryBalance | With inventoryBalance expanded, detailed view of all inventory records is returned for every product. | no |
Inventory Errors
This section describes error codes specific for the Inventory
Code | Error Type | Status Code | Message | Reason |
13004 | InventoryExists | 400 | Inventory already exists | Inventory already exists |
13005 | InventoryMultipleFound | 400 | Multiple inventories found. Please provide additional filters | Multiple inventory records with such search criteria exist |
13006 | InventoryNotFound | 404 | Inventory does not exist | Inventory with such lookup key not found |
13007 | InvalidInventoryType | 400 | Invalid inventory type | Not a valid inventory type |
📄️ Get Product Inventory
This endpoint gives cumulative product inventory data by searching on a lookup key.
📄️ Get Product Inventory By Warehouse
This endpoint gives cumulative product inventory data by searching on a lookup key and warehouse id.
📄️ Create Product Supplier Inventory
This endpoint allows creating supplier inventory data for a product based on a lookup key.
📄️ Update Product Supplier Inventory
This endpoint allows updating supplier inventory data for a product based on a lookup key.
📄️ Create Product Local Inventory
This endpoint allows creating local inventory data for a product based on a lookup key.
📄️ Update Product Local Inventory
This endpoint allows updating local inventory data for a product based on a lookup key.
📄️ Search Inventory
This endpoint allows searching for product inventory cumulative quantities, separated by inventory type.
📄️ Get Inventory by Id
This endpoint is used to get an inventory data via it's unique inventory record Id.
📄️ Delete Inventory by Id
This endpoint allows deleting inventory record by it's Propeller inventory id.
📄️ Update Inventory by Id
This endpoint enables updating inventory record by it's unique id.
📄️ Bulk Supplier Inventory (deprecated)
The bulk supplier inventory endpoint is used to create or update inventory records.
📄️ Bulk Local Inventory (deprecated)
The bulk local inventory endpoint is used to create or update inventory records.
📄️ Bulk Inventory by lookup key / inventory type
The bulk inventory endpoint is used to create or update inventory records. The products can be identified based on one of their lookup keys. The inventory record type can be either `local` or `supplier`.