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Price sheets are a common and quite familiar concept in the e-commerce world. A price sheet can include the prices for products or groups of products i.e. categories. A single price sheet can be assigned to multiple users. Check the Users endpoints to learn how to assign a pricesheet to a user.

Price Sheet Lookup keys

idintegerPropeller pricesheet id, auto-generated
codestringPrice sheet code

What are lookup keys?

Price sheet fields

codePrice sheet codestring
shopIdIdentifies the shop the pricesheet will be valid forinteger
namePrice sheet namestring
descriptionPrice sheet descriptionstring


Pricing for products and categories can be defined for different resources: pricesheet which can be assigned for a user or usergroup, or directly define pricing for user or usergroup.

categoriesList of categories and corresponding pricesarray[PricingItem]
productsList of products and corresponding pricesarray[PricingItem]
shopIdIdentifies the shop the prices will be valid for.
For pricesheet prices, shopId is inferred from pricesheet's shopId. For user type discounts, if not provided, a default one will be set (first shop found).

Pricing Item

A pricing item identifies the resource for which the prices are defined. This resource can be a product or a category. The resource can be defined by either id or sourceId in combination with source. The pricing item also includes the price itself.

idResource Idinteger
sourceIdSource Idstring

Pricing Element

This field represents the actual price definition.

typePrice type

Cost price plus (CP) = The cost price of a product + amount percent
Sales price minus (SP) = The sales price of a product - amount percent
Net = Net price

amountPercent. Should be used in combination with type SP or CP.decimal
priceNet price. Should be used when type is net.decimal
quantityThe minimum quantity for which this price is validinteger
validFromThe price is valid after this datedate
validToThe price is valid before this datedate

Pricesheet/ Pricing Errors

This section describes error codes specific for the Pricesheet and Pricingresources.

CodeError TypeStatus CodeMessageReason
12001PricesheetExists400Pricesheet already existsPricesheet with such lookup key already exists
12002PricesheetNotFound404Pricesheet not foundPricesheet with such lookup key not found
12003PricesheetPricingExists400Pricesheet already contains pricingPricesheet/ User/ Usergroup pricing already exists
12004PricesheetPricingError400Error listing pricingError retrieveing pricing
12005ParentPricesheetsNotFound404Parent resource pricesheet not foundParent pricesheet with such lookup key not found. This error is typical when working with pricesheet pricing