List surcharges
List surcharges
Query Parameters
Possible values: [flat_fee
, percentage
Only search for surcharges of type provided
Possible values: [H
, L
, N
Only search for surcharges with taxCode provided
Only search for enabled surcharges
Pagination page number
Pagination offset number
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 500
List surcharges
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Array [
Array [
Array [
Array [
List of items of type Surcharge
Unique identifier for the surcharge
A descriptive name for the surcharge
Localized field language code
Localized field value
A brief description of the surcharge
Localized field language code
Localized field value
Possible values: [flat_fee
, percentage
Type of the surcharge
The value to be applied as surcharge (e.g., percentage or amount)
Possible values: [flat_fee
, percentage
Type of the surcharge
Tax zone
Indicates whether the surcharge is active or not
The date and time the surcharge is valid from
The date and time the surcharge is valid to
The userId of the user that created the surcharge
The userId of the user that changed the surcharge
The date and time the surcharge is created
The date and time the surcharge is changed
Shop identifier for the tax to apply to
Total number of items found
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 12
The amount of items to show per page
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 1
The current page
Possible values: >= 1
Total amount of pages
Possible values: >= 1
Start position of the current page
Possible values: >= 1
End position of the current page
"items": [
"id": "d9b1c4e0-4f1e-4b1e-8b5c-9c2d0a0a6a6e",
"name": [
"language": "NL",
"value": "Dutch Surcharge"
"description": [
"language": "NL",
"value": "Dutch Surcharge"
"type": "percentage",
"value": 9.99,
"taxCode": "flat_fee",
"taxZone": "NL",
"enabled": true,
"validFrom": "2314-03-14T03:14:15.926Z",
"validTo": "2314-03-14T03:14:15.926Z",
"createdBy": 1234,
"changedBy": 1234,
"dateCreated": "2314-03-14T03:14:15.926Z",
"dateChanged": "2314-03-14T03:14:15.926Z",
"shopId": 1
"itemsFound": 12,
"offset": 12,
"page": 4,
"pages": 1,
"start": 1,
"end": 12
Bad request
List surcharges error