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Search orderlists



Search orderlists




Search orderlists

    page number

    Default value: 1

    Pagination page number. [Default to 1]

    offset number

    Default value: 12

    Pagination offset number. [Default to 12]

    ids string[]

    List of Orderlist primary identifiers

    type string

    Possible values: [POSITIVE, NEGATIVE]

    Orderlist type. One of: [POSITIVE, NEGATIVE]

    userIds string[]

    List of user ids

    userSources string[]

    List of user sources

    companyIds string[]

    List of company ids

    companySources string[]

    List of company sources

    productIds string[]

    List of product ids

    productSources string[]

    List of product sources

    clusterIds string[]

    List of cluster ids

    clusterSources string[]

    List of cluster sources

    sortInputs string[]

    Inputs to sort by


Paginated list of orderlists





    List of items of type Orderlist

  • Array [

  • id integerrequired

    Orderlist primary identifier

    createdAt date-timerequired

    Orderlist creation date

    lastModifiedAt date-timerequired

    Orderlist last modified date



    Orderlist description per language

  • Array [

  • language stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Language is set as 2 character country code.

    value string

    Localized field value

  • ]

  • type stringrequired

    Possible values: [POSITIVE, NEGATIVE]

    Orderlist type

    productIds string[]required

    List of product ids

    clusterIds string[]required

    List of cluster ids

    userIds string[]required

    List of user ids

    companyIds string[]required

    List of company ids

  • ]

  • itemsFound integerrequired

    Total number of items found

    offset integernullablerequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 12

    The amount of items to show per page

    page integernullablerequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    The current page

    pages integernullablerequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Total amount of pages

    start integernullablerequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    Start position of the current page

    end integernullablerequired

    Possible values: >= 1

    End position of the current page
