Search orders
Search orders
- application/json
Search orders
List of user IDs
List of order statuses
Possible values: [dropshipment
, purchase
, quotation
, stock
List of order types
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 1
Pagination page number
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 12
Pagination offset number
Search term
Possible values: [id
, accountingId
, debtorId
, externalId
, extra3
, extra4
, debtorCompany
, debtorFirstName
, debtorLastName
, recipientCompany
, email
, recipientFirstName
, recipientLastName
, reference
, remarks
, eanCode
, manufacturer
, manufacturerCode
, name
, notes
, sku
, supplier
, supplierCode
List of fields to search in
Date greater than provided date
Date less than provided date
Date greater than provided date
Date less than provided date
greater than or equal
less than or equal
List of company primary identifiers
List of company sources
List of original order ids
Possible values: [``, exported
, finished
, failed
List of export statuses
Date greater than provided date
Date less than provided date
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 500
Paginated list of orders
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
Array [
Array [
Array [
Array [
Array [
Array [
List of items of type Order
The auto-incremental id for this order
The userId of the user that placed this order
The id of the Owner/Account Manager that will handle this order
The accounting id [Deprecated in favour of paymentData.accountingId]
The userId of the store that this order can be picked up in case of the pickup shippingMethod is chosen
The cartId of the cart that this order is created from.
The siteId of the webshop this order originated from
The channel identifier of the webshop this order originated from
The ID of the shop the Order belongs to
Unique identifier for this order
External identifier for this order from an external source like an ERP system
The debtorId of the Customer or Company that placed this Order
The processing status for this order
Possible values: [dropshipment
, purchase
, quotation
, stock
The type of this order, one of 'dropshipment', 'purchase' or 'quotation'
The source this order originates from, like 'webshop' or 'internal'
The email address the transactional emails should be sent to
The date the last transactional email was sent for this order
Possible values: <= 65535 characters
Remarks added by the customer about this order
Possible values: <= 65535 characters
Reference added by the customer about this order
Possible values: <= 65535 characters
extra3: Open text field to add meta data on an Order. The field will not be visible to Propeller admins, but can be used to be displayed on front-ends or be used in integrations.
Possible values: <= 65535 characters
extra4: Open text field to add meta data on an Order. The field will not be visible to Propeller admins, but can be used to be displayed on front-ends or be used in integrations.
The currency used to place this order
The currency's exchange rate at the time the order was placed
The selected language on the webshop at the time the order was placed
The date and time the order was placed
The date and time the status of the order was last changed
The chosen shipping method
The shipping costs tax percentage
The preferred delivery date for the Order
The shipping costs excluding tax
The shipping costs including tax
The tax on the shipping costs
Possible values: [Y
, N
Is partial delivery allowed for this Order
ID of the pick up location when the Order's shipping method is PICKUP
The selected carrier for this Order
Possible values: [Y
, N
Whether the shipping costs for this order are overruled, if N, the shipping costs will be recalculated on every mutation
The transaction cost including tax
The transaction cost excluding tax
The tax on the transaction costs
The transaction costs tax percentage
The paymethod for this Order
The transaction status
Last time the transaction status was changed
The accountingId that belongs to this order
Possible values: [Y
, N
Whether the transaction costs for this order are overruled, if N, the shipping costs will be recalculated on every mutation
The orderId of this Order
The total of this Order excluding tax
The total of this Order including tax
The total amount of tax for this Order
Possible values: [N
, P
, A
The type of global discount
The discount value, can be absolute or a percentage depending on the discountType
The totals per tax percentage
The tax percentage
The total for the tax percentage
The items included in the order
The autoincerment ID for the OrderItem
The ID of the Order the OrderItem belongs to
The UUID for the OrderItem
Possible values: [product
, incentive
, surcharge
, postage
, payment
The class of the orderItem. Either product, incentive, surcharge, postage, payment
The productId of the OrderItem
The ID of the parent OrderItem
The quantity of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 30 characters
The SKU of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 65536 characters
Remarks by the customer for the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 150 characters
The name of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 35 characters
The supplier of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 35 characters
The supplierCode of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 50 characters
The manufacturer of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 30 characters
The manufacturerCode of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 15 characters
The eanCode of the product of the OrderItem
The original price of the OrderItem, before applying any discounts
The calculated price per unit excluding tax
The total price of the OrderItem excluding tax
The calculated price per unit including tax
The total price of the OrderItem including tax
The calculated customerPrice of the OrderItem at the time the order was placed
The cost price of the OrderItem at the time the order was placed
The discount of the OrderItem
The total tax of the OrderItem
The tax percentage of the OrderItem
Possible values: [H
, L
, N
The tax code of the OrderItem
Possible values: [Y
, N
Is the OrderItem a bonusItem?
The minimum quantity of the product of the OrderItem
The minimum quantity of the product of the OrderItem
The unit of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 20 characters
The package of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 20 characters
The package unit of the product of the OrderItem
Possible values: <= 20 characters
The package unit quantity of the product of the OrderItem
The purchase unit of the product of the OrderItem
The purchase minimum quantity of the product of the OrderItem
The requested delivery date for this orderline
Shipments for this Order
Shipment unique identifier
Order unique identifier
Shipment status
Shipment creation date
Total gross amount of the shipment
Total net amount of the shipment
Total tax amount of the shipment
Total discount value of the shipment
Preferred delivery date for the shipment
Items in the shipment
Shipment item unique identifier
Shipment unique identifier
Order item unique identifier
Shipment item UUID
Product unique identifier
Product SKU
Shipment item quantity
Shipment item name
Shipment item description
Shipment item supplier code
Shipment item price
Shipment item total price
Shipment item discount
Shipment item tax
Shipment item tax percentage
Track and trace information
Track and trace unique identifier
Order unique identifier
Shipment unique identifier
Carrier unique identifier
Track and trace code
The id of the User, contact or Customer that should receive the invoice for this Order
The date and time until the order is valid
The companyId of the company that placed this order
The date and time the order was last modified
Default value: 0
Original order id
The date and time the order was exported
Possible values: [``, exported
, finished
, failed
The export status of this order. One of: [, exported, finished, failed]
Possible values: <= 255 characters
Order export message
Total number of items found
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 12
The amount of items to show per page
Possible values: >= 1
Default value: 1
The current page
Possible values: >= 1
Total amount of pages
Possible values: >= 1
Start position of the current page
Possible values: >= 1
End position of the current page
"items": [
"id": 1234,
"userId": 1234,
"accountManagerId": 1234,
"cartId": "0190fdc1-0153-70b8-8ad3-9d7204270060",
"channelId": 1,
"shopId": 1,
"uuid": "0190fdc1-0153-70b8-8ad3-9d7204270060",
"externalId": "ERP-XYZ-1234",
"debtorId": "debtor-1234",
"status": "NEW",
"type": "dropshipment",
"source": "webshop",
"email": "",
"emailDate": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"remarks": "This is a remark",
"reference": "This is a reference",
"extra3": "extra3",
"extra4": "extra4",
"currency": "EUR",
"currencyRatio": 1.24,
"language": "EN",
"date": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"statusDate": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"postageData": {
"method": "DELIVERY",
"taxPercentage": 21.42,
"requestDate": "2023-05-23",
"gross": 3.14159,
"net": 3.14159,
"tax": 0.21,
"partialDeliveryAllowed": "Y",
"pickUpLocationId": 1234,
"carrier": "DHL",
"overruled": "N"
"paymentData": {
"net": 1.21,
"gross": 1,
"tax": 0.21,
"taxPercentage": 21,
"method": "IDEAL",
"status": "PAID",
"statusDate": "2023-05-23",
"accountingId": "123456",
"overruled": "N"
"total": {
"orderId": 1242,
"gross": 3.14159,
"net": 3.14159,
"tax": 3.14159,
"discountType": "A",
"discountValue": 3.14159,
"taxPercentages": [
"percentage": 21.42,
"total": 42.24
"items": [
"id": 4242,
"orderId": 0,
"uuid": "0190fdc1-0153-70b8-8ad3-9d7204270060",
"class": "product",
"productId": 4242,
"parentOrderItemId": 8282,
"quantity": 42,
"sku": "SKU-24242",
"notes": "This is a great product!",
"name": "My Product Name",
"supplier": "My Supplier",
"supplierCode": "SUP-4242",
"manufacturer": "My Manufacturer",
"manufacturerCode": "MAN-4242",
"eanCode": "EAN-4242",
"originalPrice": 3.14159,
"price": 3.14159,
"priceTotal": 3.14159,
"priceNet": 3.14159,
"priceTotalNet": 3.14159,
"customerPrice": 3.14159,
"costPrice": 3.14159,
"discount": 0,
"tax": 0,
"taxPercentage": 21,
"taxCode": "H",
"isBonus": "Y",
"minimumQuantity": 8,
"unit": 8,
"package": "My Package",
"packageUnit": "My Package Unit",
"packageUnitQuantity": "69",
"purchaseUnit": 8,
"purchaseMinimumQuantity": 8,
"requestDate": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z"
"shipments": [
"id": 1242,
"orderId": 1242,
"status": "SHIPPED",
"date": "2023-05-23",
"totalGross": 3.14159,
"totalNet": 3.14159,
"totalTax": 3.14159,
"totalDiscountValue": 3.14159,
"printDate": "2023-05-23",
"items": [
"id": 1242,
"shipmentId": 1242,
"orderItemId": 1242,
"uuid": "1242",
"productId": 1242,
"sku": "sku-1242",
"quantity": 42,
"name": "My Name",
"supplier": "My Description",
"supplierCode": "code-1242",
"price": 3.14159,
"priceTotal": 3.14159,
"discount": 3.14159,
"tax": 3.14159,
"taxPercentage": 21.42
"trackAndTrace": [
"id": 1242,
"orderId": 1242,
"shipmentId": 1242,
"carrierId": 1242,
"code": "1242"
"invoiceUserId": 1234,
"validUntil": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"companyId": 1234,
"lastModifiedAt": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"originalOrderId": 1234,
"exportedAt": "2023-05-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"exportStatus": "exported",
"exportMessage": "Order exported successfully: ERP sales order id: 123456"
"itemsFound": 12,
"offset": 12,
"page": 4,
"pages": 1,
"start": 1,
"end": 12
Bad request
Unknown search orders error