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Update a discount by id



Update a discount by id


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Discount identifier

Header Parameters

    tenant stringrequired

    Tenant identifier



Update discount input

    pricesheetId string

    Pricesheet id

    productId numbernullable

    Product id

    categoryId numbernullable

    Category id

    priceGroup stringnullable


    value number

    Discount value

    discountType string

    Possible values: [costpriceplus, listpricemin, netprice]

    Discount type One of: [costpriceplus, listpricemin, netprice]

    quantityFrom numbernullable

    Indicates the minimum quantity threshold needed to qualify for the bulk price.

    validFrom date-timenullable

    Start date from which the bulk pricing is effective. Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string.

    validTo date-timenullable

    End date of the bulk pricing offer. Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string.


Discount updated


    id stringrequired

    Primary identifier

    createdAt date-timerequired

    Creation date

    lastModifiedAt date-timerequired

    Last modified date

    validFrom date-time

    Start date from which the bulk pricing is effective. Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string.

    validTo date-time

    Start date from which the bulk pricing is effective. Must be a valid ISO 8601 date string.
