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Search Attributes.



Searches for all Attributes for a specific attributeClass.




The search input

    productIds integer[]

    List of productIds to search attributes for

    categoryIds integer[]

    LIst of categoryIds to search attributes for

    companyIds integer[]

    List of companyIds to search attributes for

    contactIds integer[]

    List of contactIds to search attributes for

    customerIds integer[]

    List of customerIds to search attributes for

    clusterIds integer[]

    List of clusterIds to search attributes for

    offset integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 12

    Pagination offset number

    page integer

    Possible values: >= 1

    Default value: 1

    Pagination page number



    ids uuid[]

    Array of attributeDescriptionIds to search attributes for

    names string[]

    Array of attributeDescription names to search attributes for

    types string[]

    Possible values: [text, enum, color, datetime, integer, decimal]

    Array of attributeDescription types to search attributes for

    groups string[]

    Array of attributeDescription groups to search attributes for

    isSearchable boolean

    Search for searchable attributes

    isPublic boolean

    Search for public attributes

    isHidden booleannullable

    Search for hidden attributes

    isSystem boolean

    Search for system attributes


A list of Attributes


  • Array [

  • oneOf

    id uuidrequired

    Possible values: >= 36 characters and <= 36 characters

    The ID for this attribute

    createdAt date-time

    Default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    lastModifiedAt date-time

    Default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    createdBy integer

    The ID of the user that created the attribute

    lastModifiedBy integer

    The ID of the user that last modified the attribute

    attributeDescriptionId uuidrequired

    Possible values: >= 36 characters and <= 36 characters

    The AttributeDescription ID for this attribute




    The value for this attribute


    id uuidrequired

    Possible values: >= 36 characters and <= 36 characters

    Unique identifier of the attribute value

    createdAt date-time

    Default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    Attribute value creation date

    lastModifiedAt date-time

    Default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    Attribute value last modified date

    createdBy integer

    The userId of the user that created the attribute value

    lastModifiedBy integer

    The userId of the user that last modified the attribute description




    Attribute textValues per language

  • Array [

  • language stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Language is set as 2 character country code.

    values array[]

    List of localized string values

  • ]

  • productId integerrequired

    The ID of the product this attribute belongs to

  • ]
