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List Attribute Descriptions



Lists all Attribute Descriptions, optionally by attributeClass


Query Parameters

    attributeClass string

    Possible values: [product, category, cluster, customer, contact, company]

    The attributeClass to get the attribute for. Required when lookupKey is 'name'

    Example: product
    page any

    Pagination page number

    Example: 1
    offset any

    Pagination offset number

    Example: 12


A list of Attribute Descriptions


    id uuidrequired

    Attribute description primary identifier

    name stringrequired

    Descriptive identifier for this AttributeDescription




    The human readable description of the attribute's name. This is a language specific value.

  • Array [

  • language stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Language is set as 2 character country code.

    value string

    Localized field value

  • ]

  • units




    Attribute unit per language

  • Array [

  • language stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Language is set as 2 character country code.

    value string

    Localized field value

  • ]

  • attributeClass stringrequired

    Possible values: [text, enum, color, datetime, integer, decimal]

    The class for this attribute. One of: [product, category, cluster, customer, contact, company]

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [product, category, cluster, customer, contact, company]

    Attribute class. One of: [product, category, cluster, customer, contact, company]

    valuesetId integer

    The ID of the connected valueset to use when type is ENUM

    group string

    The group this attribute belongs to, generally linked to a valueset.

    isSearchable booleanrequired

    Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating catalog page filters

    isPublic booleanrequired

    Default value: true

    Flags whether this attribute should be used when generating product specifications.

    isSystem booleanrequired

    Flags whether this attribute is only available to system users

    isHidden booleanrequired

    Flags whether this attribute is hidden and should only be used for background operations.

    createdAt date-timerequired

    Attribute description creation date

    lastModifiedAt date-timerequired

    Attribute description last modified date

    createdBy integernullablerequired

    The userId of the user that created the attribute description

    lastModifiedBy integernullablerequired

    The userId of the user that last modified the attribute description




    The default value for this attribute


    id uuidrequired

    Possible values: >= 36 characters and <= 36 characters

    Unique identifier of the attribute value

    createdAt date-time

    Default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    Attribute value creation date

    lastModifiedAt date-time

    Default value: CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

    Attribute value last modified date

    createdBy integer

    The userId of the user that created the attribute value

    lastModifiedBy integer

    The userId of the user that last modified the attribute description




    Attribute textValues per language

  • Array [

  • language stringrequired

    Possible values: >= 2 characters and <= 2 characters

    Language is set as 2 character country code.

    values array[]

    List of localized string values

  • ]
